Fran Raya

Fran Raya

Author, Singer, Songwriter

Once upon another time, about a million songs ago...

Publication date: 28th January, 2024

Once upon another time, about a million songs ago, there lived a musical group on a teenager’s bedroom wall. These persons raided her queendom on an ordinary October day, through her dad’s Bakelite wireless. The song they sang was a tuneful newness and she helped it touch number seventeen in a memorable chart of yesterday, specifically 1962.

Take a trip across the 1960s through the eyes and mind of Rebecca Beacon, who is twelve years old when she becomes aware of The Beatles, at the very beginning of their ascendancy. Her teenage years are exciting but also saturated with angst and harsh realities, made bearable by her icons as she finds her own musical identity.

This semi-autobiographical, coming-of-age story will strike a nostalgic chord for fans of the same generation, but also for the many admirers of the band, who are too young to have witnessed Beatlemania in full flow.

Beatles and Beacons

The Poetic Justice Series

Poetic Justice - The Dawning
Poetic Justice - Oxford
Poetic Justice - Fame
Poetic Justice - Inheritance
Poetic Justice - Intrusion
Poetic Justice - Tyro