Fran Raya

About my Books

My series has a supernatural theme as I have always been interested in this field. The protagonist, Randal Forbes, is a genius with phenomenal telepathic powers that he calls 'the gift'. But far from using his psychic legacy for good, he destroys and corrupts without culpability. It follows Randal's life from his birth, to date. He is stunningly attractive and has a spellbinding effect on his family, duping them into becoming his loyal band of followers. Many lives are intertwined with his, offering a credible slant on an otherwise incredible story. Randal's dark side is so powerful that only someone with a similar 'gift' will be able to challenge him. But who would dare? I am passionate about this series and every time I think I've finished, another cliff hanger comes into my head. So another book is required! I would love this series to be made into a film, or mini series. The characters and events leap off the pages and are very visual. So I've been told by my readers. Sometimes I am so absorbed in the plots that I forget everything else but I do have a vivid imagination that runs riot! Hallelujah!

Poetic Justice - The Dawning

Poetic Justice - The Dawning

Publication Data: 2018

Randal Forbes is a genius with phenomenal telepathic powers that he calls 'the gift'. But far from using his psychic legacy for good, he destroys his enemies without culpability. This is the first book in the series and follows Randal's life from birth to his late teens. He has a spellbinding effect on his family, duping them into becoming his loyal band of followers. He uses his amazing aura to devastating effect and those who question his motives are removed or maimed. Many lives are intertwined with his, offering a credible slant on an otherwise incredible story. Randal's dark side is so powerful that only someone with a similar gift will be able to challenge him. But who would dare?

Also available to purchase from Waterstones, W H Smith, Amazon
Poetic Justice - Oxford

Poetic Justice - Oxford

Publication Data: 2019

The dynamic and mysterious Randal Forbes calls his dark powers 'the gift'. His startling, slate-grey eyes radiate when he is the throes of his telepathic reprisals. His trail of destruction has caught the attention of the police, who are now investigating him under potential murder charges but proving his guilt is difficult, as he is nowhere near the crime scene; just inside the head of each targeted victim, issuing commands via their photograph. Now a student a Beaumont College in Oxford, he revels in his own success and is well on the way to becoming a celebrated author. There are new 'enemies' to deal with in Oxford and Randal seeks to remove those who suspect his paranormal leanings. He has a twisted sense of poetic justice but also a chivalric loyalty to his family. Randal Forbes has a dark side so malevolent that only someone with a similar 'gift' would be able to challenge him. But, who would dare?

Also available to purchase from Waterstones, W H Smith, Amazon
Poetic Justice - Fame

Poetic Justice - Fame

Publication Data: 2020

Randal Forbes calls his phenomenal telepathic powers 'the gift'. In this third book of the series, he achieves widespread fame, as an author and entrepreneur. He has left a complex trail of murder and shattered lives behind him, from his formative years at Tarnside Primary School, Redwood Private School and through his university education at Beaumont College, Oxford. The police are closely monitoring his movements but has anything been proved? His relationship with Clive Hargreaves is still thriving, as he remains his devoted partner and protector. His wife-to-be, Alison Whitaker, is unaware of 'the gift' but those who are suspicious, still wish to discredit and expose him. Randal Forbes has a dark side so powerful, that only someone with a similar 'gift' will be able to challenge him. But who would dare?

Also available to purchase from Waterstones, W H Smith, Amazon
Poetic Justice - The Inheritance

Poetic Justice - The Inheritance

Publication Data: 2021

Randal Forbes calls his phenomenal telepathic powers 'the gift'.

Randal had been anticipating the arrival of his special child, who would bear the hallmark of his spiritual legacy. It was a rancid, bitter pill to swallow, when Roxanne was born out of the result of a one-night-stand with his artiste, Maxine Hale. She is married to Saul Curtis, and has passed the baby off as his but she is very aware of her daughter's true paternity, and is equally disturbed by her penetrative gaze and strange behaviour. Randal's wife, Alison, and their two children, are still completely blind to his dark side. His protector, Clive Hargreaves, remains eternally at his side. In this fourth book of the series, Randal encounters further danger ahead but his main aim is to nurture and develop 'the gift' that is blossoming within his chosen child.

Randal Forbes has a dark side so powerful that only someone with a similar 'gift' would be able to challenge him, and when Carlton Flint appears in his deadly arena, Randal may well have met his match!

Also available to purchase from Waterstones, W H Smith, Amazon
Poetic Justice - Intrusion

Poetic Justice - Intrusion

Publication Data: 2022

Randal Forbes calls his dark powers 'the gift' and his radiating eyes are the windows of his phenomenal psychic domination. Randal's daughter, Roxanne, has proved that she is also worthy of her inheritance and has severely injured their main rival, Carlton Flint.

In this fifth book of the series, there is relentless intrusion. Telepathic crime with a malevolent, paranormal edge is Randal's defence. He has a twisted sense of poetic justice, so he will remove anyone in his fiendish path.

Randal Forbes has a dark side so powerful, that only somebody with the same 'gift' would be able to challenge him. Will Carlton Flint recover and do just that?!

Also available to purchase from Waterstones, W H Smith, Amazon
Poetic Justice - Tyro

Poetic Justice - Tyro

Publication Data: 2023

Randal Forbes calls his phenomenal telepathic powers ‘the gift’. In the sixth book of the series, he welcomes the new millennium with his family and followers.

His chosen daughter, and inheritress, Roxanne, is still at his side and just as powerful. His wife, Alison, and their children, Ryan and Amber, together with his lifelong protector, Clive Hargreaves, all remain steadfast in his life.

Randal has ‘dealt with’ his magnetic, righteous rival, Carlton Flint. However, when Tyrone Pendle arrives on the scene, with a similar level of dark power, it’s up to Randal to either tutor or remove him.

Randal Forbes has a dark side so malevolent that only someone with the same ‘gift’ will be able to challenge him. Is Tyrone Pendle that formidable adversary?

Also available to purchase from Waterstones, W H Smith, Amazon